Privacy Awareness Week 2024

Privacy Awareness Week 2024

Privacy Awareness Week is now on and runs from 6-12 May this year. I figured it warranted its own post as I wasn't aware of it to put it in the last newsletter.

Looks like there is some decent info for everyone to understand and I've included some links below to resources and events.

Power up your privacy | Privacy Awareness Week 2024
Power up your privacy! Find out what you can you do to enhance privacy protections. Privacy Awareness Week will run from 6-12 May this year.
Lightning Talk – Reasonable Steps: What are they, and when should you take them? – Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
Unsure if the steps you are taking to protect personal information and ensure it is accurate are reasonable? As part of Privacy Awareness Week, OVIC privacy experts Anna and Jack will be presenting a Lightning Talk covering: better understanding your obligations under Information Privacy Principles 3.1 and 4.1 when using technology; and what reasonable steps may look like and when to take them. This event will be recorded and published on OVIC’s Vimeo channel. Key details Date: Tuesday 7 May Time: 2:00 - 2:30pm Location: Microsoft Teams Registrations for this session have now closed. If you would like to attend this event, please email us at [email protected] __PRESENT __PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT __PRESENT __PRESENT__PRESENT __PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT__PRESENT __PRESENT
The Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) is an independent statutory authority that administers New South Wales’ legislation dealing with privacy and access to government information. Our purpose is to champion privacy and information rights.
Panel Discussion – Privacy and Technology: Improving Transparency, Accountability and Security – Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
OVIC is inviting you to attend our panel discussion for Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2024! Privacy Commissioners from around Australia will be joined by a special guest moderator, Samantha Floreani (Head of Policy, Digital Rights Watch), to discuss the PAW theme for 2024 – Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability and security. Hear Commissioners’ perspectives on how we as public servants can play our part in improving privacy practices while using new technologies to aid our important work. This event will be recorded and published on OVIC’s Vimeo channel. Panelists: Rachel Dixon – Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner, OVIC Paxton Booth – Privacy Commissioner, OIC QLD Carly Kind – Privacy Commissioner OAIC Sonia Minutillo – Acting Privacy Commissioner, IPC NSW Moderator: Samantha Floreani, Head of Policy, Digital Rights Watch. Key details Date: Wednesday 8 May Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Location: Microsoft Teams __PRESENT __PRESENT __PRESENT