Privacy Policy

Information We Collect

We only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so — for example, to add you as a free or paying member, to communicate with you, or to make our services better. 

We collect this information from three sources: 

  • if and when you provide information to us
  • automatically through operating our services

Information You Provide to Us

It’s probably no surprise that we collect information that you provide to us directly. Here are some examples:

  • Basic account information: We ask for basic information from you in order to set up a free account. For example, we require individuals who sign up for an AusPrivacy account to provide an email address — and that’s it.
  • Public profile information: If you have an account with us, we collect the information that you provide for your public profile. Our system uses your email to pull in your Gravatar image, if you have created one. This is used, for example, to put that image next to your username when you comment.
  • Payment and contact information: If you become a paid subscriber or buy something from us, we’ll collect information to process those payments and contact you, including your name, credit card information, and contact information. We also keep a record of the purchases you’ve made for tax and accounting purposes.
  • Content information: You might provide us with information about you in draft and published content (a blog post or comment that includes biographic information about you, or any media or files you upload).
  • Communications with us: You may also provide us with information when you respond to surveys, communicate with us about a support question, post a comment, or sign up for an event. When you communicate with us via form, email, or otherwise, we store a copy of our communications.

Our website may integrate with or contain links to other third party sites and services, such as an embedded social media post or hosted video. While we strive to keep cookies to a minimum, we are not responsible for the practices employed by third party websites or services embedded in, linked to, or linked from our website. Your interactions with any third-party website or service are subject to that third party’s own rules and policies.

Information We Collect Automatically

We also collect some information automatically:

  • Usage information: We collect information about visitors' usage of our website. For example, when you use our services (e.g., page views). We use this information to, for example, provide our services to you, get insights on how people use our services so we can make our services better, and understand and make predictions about user retention.
  • Location information: Our publishing system may attempt to determine the approximate location of your device from your IP address. We collect and use this information to, for example, calculate roughly how many people visit our services from certain geographic regions.

How and Why We Use Information

Purposes for Using Information

We use information about you for the purposes listed below:

  • To provide our services. For example, to set up and maintain your account, deliver newsletters, provide customer service, process payments and orders, and verify user information.
  • To ensure quality, maintain safety, and improve our services. For example, by monitoring and analyzing how users interact with our services so we can create new features that we think our users will enjoy or make our services easier to use.
  • To protect our services, our users, and the public. For example, by detecting security incidents; detecting and protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; fighting spam; complying with our legal obligations; and protecting the rights and property of AusPrivacy and others, which may result in us, for example, declining a transaction or terminating services.
  • To fix problems with our services. For example, by monitoring, debugging, repairing, and preventing issues.
  • To communicate with you. For example, by emailing you to ask for your feedback, share tips for getting the most out of our products, or keep you up to date on AusPrivacy.

Here is an overview of the built in Ghost CMS analytics. This is the only analytics we use.

Post analytics
Post analytics in Ghost admin gives you easy access to track your audience’s engagement with the content you publish. To help you get the most out of post analytics, here’s an overview of the data that Ghost collects and displays. The post list displays metrics that you can

Sharing Information

How We Share Information

We share information about you in limited circumstances, and with appropriate safeguards for your privacy.

  • Third-party vendors: We may share information about you with third-party vendors who need the information in order to provide their services to us, or to provide their services to you or your site. This includes vendors that help us provide our services to you (like Stripe, which powers subscription payments, fraud prevention services that allow us to analyze fraudulent payment transactions, cloud storage services, postal and email delivery services that help us stay in touch with you, customer chat and email support services that help us communicate with you, registrars, registries, those that host our website, assist us with our marketing efforts; those that help us understand and enhance our services (like analytics providers); those that make tools to help us run our operations (like programs that help us with task management, scheduling, word processing, email and other communications, and collaboration among our teams); and other third-party tools that help us manage operations. We only use vendors that agree to similar privacy commitments in order to share information with them.
  • Legal and regulatory requirements: We may disclose information about you in response to a subpoena, court order, or other governmental request.
  • To protect rights, property, and others: We may disclose information about you when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of AusPrivacy, third parties, or the public at large. For example, if we have a good faith belief that there is an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury, we may disclose information related to the emergency without delay.
  • With your consent: We may share and disclose information with your consent or at your direction.
  • Published support requests: If you send us a request for assistance (for example, via a support email or one of our other feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish that request (without your name or identifying information attached) in order to clarify or respond to your request, or to help us support other users.

We do not sell our users' data.

We aren't a data broker, we don't sell your personal information to data brokers, and we don't sell your information to other companies that want to spam you with marketing emails. We may show ads at some point but will not do so in a way that turns over personally-identifable information about you to an advertiser.

Information That You Share Publicly

Information that you choose to make public is — you guessed it — disclosed publicly.

That means information like your comments are all available to others.

Once you make something public, neither you nor we have any realistic control over it — for example, someone could re-post your comment to another site, or screenshot it and share it. You can delete your comment from the AusPrivacy website if you like.


While no online service is 100% secure, we work very hard to protect information about you against unauthorised access, use, alteration, or destruction, and take reasonable measures to do so.


You have several choices available when it comes to information about you and communications:

  • Limit the information that you provide: If you have an account with us, you can choose not to provide the optional account information, profile information, and transaction and billing information. Please keep in mind that if you do not provide this information, certain features of our services — for example, paid subscriber-only posts may not be accessible.
  • Set your browser to reject cookies: You can block cookies in your browser or tracking pixels in your email client.
  • Unsubscribe from our newsletters: Free and paid subscribers may unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time, either through the unsubscribe link at the end of every newsletter or on the website in your account settings. You cannot opt out of Service-related communications (e.g., account verification, payment confirmation, changes/updates to our products or features, technical and security notices.)
  • Close your account: While we’d be very sad to see you go, you can close your account if you no longer want to use our services.

Your Rights

You can usually access, correct, or delete your personal data using your account settings and tools that we offer, but if you aren’t able to, contact us by going to your account on our site and clicking Contact Support.

When you contact us we’ll need to verify that you are the right person before we disclose or delete anything. For example, if you are a user, we will need you to contact us from the email address associated with your account.

A note about processing locations

We are based in Australia, and process personal data here. Because you are visiting our site and providing personal data directly to us, there is no “transfer” from an EU or UK GDPR point of view. 

Creative Commons Sharealike License

We built this privacy policy based of the policy at which used the template created by Automattic, the makers of WordPress, who made their Privacy Policy available under a Creative Commons Sharealike license. AusPrivacy's privacy policy is licensed that way, too. You can grab a copy of their Privacy Policy and other legal documents on GitHub. You’re more than welcome to copy ours or theirs, and adapt and repurpose them for your own use. Just make sure to revise the language so that your policy reflects your actual practices. If you do use it, we’d appreciate a credit and link to our website and to Automattic/WordPress somewhere on your site.